(Picture from Variations and Minor Departures in Infants, c1978)
“Then shall the eyes of the blind be opened, and the ears of the deaf unstopped...” (Isaiah 35:6)
If you search “eyes opened” in the ESV you get a list of 21 passages in which people’s eyes were opened. Notice - “were opened”. Nobody opened their own eyes — except one: the boy God raised from the dead through Elisha.
The earliest, youngest premature babies arrive with their eyelids fused. They’re truly unable to open their eyes. And we can’t open them either. Those eyelids just won’t open until they’re ready. The fullness of time - as in Galatians 4: “ ...when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth His Son, born of woman, born under the law, to readers those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons.”
Another thing about “open”: He opens the gates of righteousness to us, so we can enter His home (Ps 118:19). When we open the door to His welcoming knock (Rev 3:20), and begin to abide with Him, He will gradually, gently open our eyes to His light. (He will also feed us ... but that’s a topic for another time!)
#hopewriterlife #attendingmom #attendingneo #wordoftheyear